CIVIL WAR IN YEMEN Tereza Corradi Asia in International Relations Unsuccessful story of the Arab spring 01. TABLE OF CONTENTS Development 2015 - ? Yemen between Iran and Saudi Arabia? Arabia Felix Humanitarian crisis and enviromental problems History of Yemen Roots of conflict Rise of Houthis Arab spring From revolution to civil war 03. 02. 04. History of YemenFrom 1960´s History of north and south Yemen Unification Rise of the Houthis 01. South End of the one-thousand-year Zaydi Imamate (Descendants of Zayd bin Ali, great-great-grandson of the Islamic prophet Muhammad) 1962 – Arab nationalist revolution in armed forces Depostion of Zaidi immam Al Bader : NorthMutawakkilite kingdom of Yemen : People's Republic of Yemen : End of the colonial era 1939 – British protectorate formed 1967– withdrawal of UK from Aden 1969 – communist coup :1972 – border clashes Support: Saudi-led coalition (Jordan, Egypt, Iran, UK, US) Support: Soviet Union, Iraq, Libya, Czechoslovakia, Cuba : 1986 – civil war caused by power struggle among the Yemeni Socialist Party : 1978 – Saleh consolitadet power : History of Yemen 1990 Yemen united under Ali Saleh Deported workers + mujahideen – AQAP (1991) 2004 Rise of Houthis 1994 Civil war - Saleh’s X al-Beidh’s troops Rise of HoutisFounded in north (Sa’dah) Zaydi shia Hussein al-Houthi 1990 - The Believing Youth 1997 - withdrew from Parliament 2004 – death 11 years long conflict Saleh X Houthis (ceasefire 2011 befor arab Spring) “God is great! Death to America! Death to Israel! Curse the Jews! Victory to Islam!” Arab spring From revolution to civil war 2011 - 2015 02. Who is who in Yemen? Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi Failed to improve Yemeni situation 2015 fled to Saudi Arabia Ali Abdullah Saleh Former president from north Resignation in early 2012 The Houtis Zaydi shia insurgent movement 2011 - 2015 After uprisings Ali Saleh step down and Abdrabbuh Hadi took over 2013 - Establishment of NDC (elites participated) 2014 – Houthis took over the capital city Hadi signed resignation, but withdrawn it later : 2015 „… the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia launched military operations in Yemen. The objective is to defend the legitimate government of President Hadi from the takeover attempts by the Houthi militias…“ 03. The “players“ Saudi Arabia Support of 8 other countries 3rd best equipped army – still losing? Supports Southern Transitional Council (STC) West USA United kingdom Iran Supports the Houthis Proxy war with Saudi Arabia Al-Qaeda Republic of Yemen Government Houthi forces Internationally recognized government (Hadi) Backed by the Saudi-led coalition since 2015 The Houthi faction Iran “ …conflict in Yemen has no cost for us and even has some benefits “ Challenge of regional dominance Shia religion – proxy war with Saudi Arabia? Ali Abdullah Saleh “I will lead the battle until the last Houthi is thrown out of Yemen” Money for fighters, tribal and political loyalist networks 2017 – accusation of treason, death Ahmed Ali Saleh Gain of political power (more autonomy) Access to Red sea and oil pipelines The Hadi faction USA Sells weapons to Saudi Arabia / Bab al – Mandeb – 4,7 mil barrels of oil/day Terrorism Trump veto - 2019 Saudi Arabia Defence minister – crown prince Mohammed bin Salman Domestic political power – facesaving war exit? (mails) Missile attack Riyadh aiport – Qiam1? Republic of Yemen Government – officialy recognized Dependent on external backing - no popular base in Yemen Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsulae IS Dominant terrorist group – officially opens operations in Yemen in January 2009. Intermarrying with the tribes of Yemen Appeasement of locals - reparing roads/bridges, paying salaries to hospital workers 2015 – port of Mukalla (port taxes) - ousted 2016 US drone strikes Officialy exanded into Yemen on 13 November 2014 2015 – first attack (Houthi mosques, 500 wounded) 2020 - limited cooperation with Houthis against Al-qaeda Failed to carry out AQAP-style community development projects Development 2016 UN – inspection mechanism (vessels) 2018 UN – Stockholm agreement – ceasefire in Hudaydah 2017 Saleh broke with the Houthis. Saleh was killed and his forces defeated within two days. 2019 ROYG X STC (Saudi Arabia X UEA) agreement in 2020 2020 Houtis X ROYG – Marib (oil fields) Hassan Eyrlo – Iranian ambassador STC joined a unity government with the ROYG 2021 Marib – Houtis gain 5 districts Peace Efforts – Saudi Arabia X Houtis Humanitarian Enviromental 04. crisis COVID-19 Pandemic Food insecurity ‘worst humanitarian crisis in the world’ More than 80% of the population – 24 million people dependent on humanitarian aid for basic needs Hodeida - humanitarian lifeline (food, medical aid) Humanitarian Crisis Cholera outbreak Started in 2016 Largest in recorded history (claimed nearly 1.5 million lives) Caused by the ingestion of contaminated food or water Enviromental problems “Nine million [people] losing access to clean water and seven million losing access to food supplies.” Failing Oil Tanker - 44-year-old floating storage and offloading (FSO) Vessel Safer. No maintenance since 2015 Climate change – cyclones (2015, 2018), floods (2020) rising sea levels - agricultural production on the coastal plains (best soil) “...groundwater reserves would be depleted by about 2040 “ RESOURCES ● Kleemann, Steven. (2019). The Forgotten War: Yemen. ● Alsabri, Mohammed & Nighingale, Brandon & Amin, Mody & Cole, Jennifer. (2020). When COVID-19 hit Yemen: dealing with the pandemic in a country under pressure from the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. International Journal of Medicine and Public Health. ● La Zinu, Nurul. (2022). The Urgency to Address the Humanitarian Crisis in Yemen. ● Helen Lackner, Abulrahman Al-eryani. (2020). Yemen’s Environmental Crisis Is the Biggest Risk for Its Future ● United nations. (2020). Without Access to Stricken Oil Tanker off Yemen, Under-Secretary-General, Briefing Security Council, Warns of Environmental, Economic, Humanitarian Catastrophe ● Anthony H. Cordesman. (2017). The War in Yemen: Hard Choices in a Hard War. Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) ● Haydee Dijkstal. (2019). Yemen and the Stockholm Agreement: Background, Context, and the Significance of the Agreement. The American Society of International Law. ● War in Yemen. (2022). Council on Foreign Relations. ● Elisabeth Kendall. (2019). The Failing Islamic State Within The Failed State of Yemen