9. RADICAL RIGHTWING POPULIST PARTIES Miloš Brunclík Extreme right FAR RIGHT •e.g. interwarperiod Nazism, Fascism Radical right •radical rightwing populism EXTREME RIGHT AFTER WW2 ■ Discredited ■ Marginalized ■ De-legitimation ▪ Racism ▪ Antisemitism ▪ Anti-democracy… ■ Not anti-democratic „COMEBACK“: FROM EXTREME TO RADICAL RIGHT ■ Nominally democratic ■ Critical of some elements of liberal democracy ■ Advocate democracy: populist democracy: general will should be implemented without restrictions ■ „return the word to the people“/Power to the people ■ Calls for increase of the power of the main political figures ■ Not anti-system „COMEBACK“: FROM EXTREME TO RADICAL RIGHT ■ anti-establishment ■ Not racist ■ not biological , but cultural differences ■ Identity and nation ■ Fear from different cultures and religions ■ Social appeals ■ Populism CAS MUDDE (2007): POPULIST RADICAL RIGHT 1. Populism 2. Authoritarianism 3. Nativism ■ People ■ Inherently good and decent ■ All ordinary hard working people ■ Elites POPULISM ■ Inherently bad guys ■ big business, big banks, multinational corporations, media pundits, elected politicians and government officials, intellectual elites and scientific experts, and the arrogant and privileged rich… AUTHORITARIANISM ■ Preference for strong charismatic leaders ▪ Reflecting the will of the people ▪ Securing law and order ▪ Quick decisions ■ direct forms of democracy for the expression of the voice of the people ▪ opinion polls, referenda and plebiscites ■ nativism or xenophobic nationalism NATIVISM ■ people = a uniform whole tied by common language, origin, culture… ■ Nation states should exclude people from other countries and cultures NATIVISM 1. 2. ■ ■ states should be inhabited exclusively by members of the native group („the nation“) nonnative elements (persons and ideas) are fundamentally threatening to the homogenous nation state Nation states Exclusion of people from other countries and cultures ■ Creates two groups: they x us ■ Instrumental in exclusion of some people ■ Foes X friends NATIVISM ■ →Xenophobia and nationalism 1. Within state and within nation ▪ Selfish elites serving their interest or corrupted parties and media 2. Within state and outside nation ▪ Ethnic minorities – different in terms of language, culture, religion, history, skin 3. Outside state and within nation NATIVISM: 4 GROUPS OF ENEMIES ▪ Elite emigration –betraying the nation 4. Outside state and outside nation ▪ Foreign nations and their politicians ▪ NATO, EU POPULISM AND GLOBALIZATION ■Enthusiasm ■Opportunity ■ Economic, cultural ■ Globalization winners ■Multiculturalism ■Meeting other cultures: enriching ■Status ■ Higher education ■ Foreign languages ■EU = good thing ■ Fear ■ Threat ■ Economic & identity ■ globalization losers ■ Nationalism ■ Status ■ Low education and skills ■ No foreign languages ■ EU = bad thing LEFT-LIBERTARIANISM X RIGHT-POPULISM Silent revolution (1977 - R. Inglehart): post-material values • Cosmopolitanism • Multiculturalism • Environmentalism • LGBT • Women and gender • Freedom Silent counter-revolution (1992 - P. Ignazi): backlash • Nationalism • Materialism • Economic growth • Anti-globalization • Rule and order • Traditional moral values • Security MIGRATION ASSOCIATED WITH…. ■ Threat to national identity ■ End of culturally homogeneous states ■ Misuse of social benefits ■ Higher crime rate ■ Islamization 2014 2007 IMMIGRATION FREEDOM OF (HATE) SPEECH ? TWO APPROACHES: EXPLAINING THE RIGHT-WING POPULISM Demand side •Socioeconomic reasons •Cultural reasons Supply side •Parties‘ ability to take advantage of the DEMAND SIDE: RONALD F. INGLEHART AND PIPPA NORRIS ■ What does cause success of radical right-wing populists (AFD, UKIP, FPÖ, or National Front)? 1. economic insecurity hypothesis ■ Socially and economically disadvantaged groups of voters (i.e. modernisation losers) 2. cultural backlash hypothesis ■ Rejection of various cultural trends ■ Progressivism ■ Multiculturalism ■ Feminism ■ Rejection of immigration ■ Rejection of European integration TRANSFORMATION OF POST-INDUSTRIAL ECONOMIES ■ Knowledge economy ■ Technological changes ■ Cyberspace ■ robotization ■ Erosion of traditional manual labour ■ Globalization forces ■ Growing social inequalities ■ State losing control over national economy ■ Vulnerable on labour market ■ Low skills ■ Lower education ■ Falling social or symbolic status ■ »» susceptible populism ■ Economic and cultural protectionism GLOBALIZATION LOSERS ■ Welfare-state chauvinism ■ Anti-immigration ■ 3 major voters groups 1. Poor unemployed ■ migrants take their jobs 2. Business class ■ migrants are burden for a social system 3. Ideologists ■ GEERT WILDERS incompatibility of cultures FURTHER DEMAND-SIDE FACTORS: ANTIESTABLISHMENT 1. Politicians‘ inability to solve problems ■ European integration ■ Unemployment ■ Social inequalities 2. Domestic elites – weak and powerless ■ EU ■ Globalization 3. Media ■ Fragmentation and polarization ■ Simplification ■ Conspiracy theories and fake news ■ ■ Much depends also on populist parties themselves →supply-side of party strategies 1. Strong, charismatic leaders ▪ Ability to speak people‘s minds ▪ Ability to speak and attract ordinary people ▪ Look different than traditional politicians ▪ Trustworthy and credible outlook 2. Moderate ideology/program 3. RISE OF POPULISM ▪ distancing themselves from Nazism, racism etc. ▪ Flow to mainstream Political marketing and communication FURTHER SUPPLY-SIDE FACTORS Patterns of cooperation and conflict Party system convergence The way parties deal with issues • → niches within party systems • Niches unlikely to evolve under stable conditions with relatively stable voter preferences „Is it wrong to impose requirements on immigrants?“ New issues - new cleavage Greater polarization Changing patterns of cooperation and conflict Blackmail potential Different strategies of other parties to treat new extreme right 1. IMPACT ON PARTY SYSTEM Total exclusion (Sweden until 2022) 2. Cooperation at the legislative level (Netherlands, Denmark) 3. Cooperation at the executive level (Austria: FPÖ 2000 and 2017; Norway: Progress party 2013-7) No longer protest party, but ALTERNATIVE STRONGHOLD EUROPE 1. Demography ■ decreasing share of the original inhabitants x higher birth rate = threat to the European identity 2. Socio-economic issues ■ Migrants on welfare 3. Cultural issues (S. Huntington:Clash of Civilizations) ■ Integration issues ■ Inability of the European nations to integrate migrants ■ Migrants‘ unwillingness to integrate and to adjust STRONGHOLD EUROPE 4. Security issues ■ No-go areas ■ Illegal migration ■ Crime and terrorism ■ Humanitarian aid is feasible – help migrants back home, not in Europe 5. Political issues ■ No political representation of minorities ■ Right of historical nations of Europe to rule ■ If migrants participate in politics, Europe and its identity and values will be destroyed 6. Human rights issues human rights and social welfare