BLOCO DE ESQUERDA Maria Cunhal PRESENTED BY TABLE OF CONTENTS ORIGINS OF THE PARTY CLASSIFICATION IDEOLOGY ELECTORAL RESULTS PROGRAM CONCLUSION LEADING FIGURES BIBLIOGRAPHY 01 08 02 09 03 10 04 11 Founded in 1999 through the merger of several left-wing parties and political movements, including the People's Democratic Union (UDP), the Revolutionary Socialist Party (PSR), and Politics XXI 01 The formation of Bloco de Esquerda was a response to the perceived need for a unified leftist front in Portuguese politics, particularly after the collapse of the Socialist Party (PS) and Communist Party (PCP) coalition in 1999 01 Initial leaders included Francisco Louçã, a respected economist, and Fernando Rosas, a historian and political activist 01 Bloco de Esquerda espouses a leftwing, progressive, and anti-capitalist ideology. The party's core principles include social justice, environmental sustainability, and human rights. It strongly advocates for equality, feminism, LGBTQ+ rights, and the fight against discrimination in all forms. 02 Bloco de Esquerda supports the nationalization or public ownership of key industries and essential services such as healthcare, education, and transportation. It advocates for progressive taxation, with higher taxes on the wealthy and corporations, aiming to reduce economic inequality. 03 The party promotes investment in social welfare programs, education, healthcare, and affordable housing, emphasizing the importance of a robust social safety net. Bloco de Esquerda opposes austerity measures and neoliberal economic policies, arguing for alternative approaches that prioritize social welfare and economic justice. 03 Recent leading figures of Bloco de Esquerda have been predominantly female, including Catarina Martins, Marisa Matias, and Mariana Mortágua. Their leadership exemplifies dedication to social justice and progressive policies. 04 Bloco de Esquerda is commonly regarded as a left-wing party, yet its ideology extends beyond traditional leftist perspectives. It's often labeled as socialist or ecosocialist due to its focus on social justice and environmental sustainability. What sets it apart from mainstream socialist parties is its firm opposition to capitalism and its commitment to grassroots activism and direct democracy 05 06 Graphic 1- Different votes from Left/Center/Right Imagine 1- Article “The lost of BE” from Publico 06 Graphic 2- Electoral Results from 2019 06 Graphic 3- Electoral Results from 2024 Despite recent setbacks in Portugal, Bloco de Esquerda continues to play a significant role at the democratic table and in public discourse. Its unwavering commitment to progressive values and social justice ensures its continued relevance in shaping political debates and advocating for change. 07 1. Abreu, M., & Afonso, A. (2021). The evolution of the Portuguese political system. In The European Union: A Political Sociology (pp. 209-222). Routledge. 2. Matias, M., & Silva, A. P. (2017). Bloco de Esquerda and the dynamics of the Portuguese left: between success and crisis. Contemporary Portuguese Political Economy Series, 1(1), 39-58. 3. Costa, A. C., & Moury, C. (2018). The Portuguese Left in Transition: From Fragmentation to Left-Wing Coalition. Government and Opposition, 53(4), 639-662. 4. Louçã, F. (2015). Portuguese politics and the challenge of radical democracy: Perspectives from the Left Bloc. Socialist Register, 51, 203-222. 5. Martins, C., & Carvalho, T. (2019). Feminism as a political instrument: the case of Portugal. In Feminist movements and struggles for citizenship (pp. 139-155). Palgrave Macmillan. 6. Mortágua, M., & Carvalho, T. (2018). Progressive alternatives to austerity in Portugal: The case of Bloco de Esquerda. In The Legacy of the Crash (pp. 245-262). Agenda Publishing. 7. Bloco de Esquerda Official Website: 08