Party for Freedom Alexander Vanderaa How the Dutch Political System Works -Based on a Constitutional Monarchy -Governed by the Prime Minister and the Ministry of General Affairs -Arranged as a Parliamentary Democracy -States General consists of the House of Representatives and the Senate -Made up of twelve provinces -The Parliament has 18 Majority Parties Who is Geert Wilder? -Big Forehead + Stringy White Hair = Right Wing Extremist (like Trump) -Founder of the Party in 2006 -Was part of the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy from 1997 -Began as a Speechwriter for Bolstein -Travelled a lot within and around the middle-east and has always pondered the question of Islamic values versus Christian values -Vehement about ‘Netherlands First’ and banning the Koran and the practice of Islam What is the Party for Freedom? -Far-Right Party -Anti… EU Immigration Climate Action Globalist -Profoundly Netherlands First Agenda of the Party for Freedom -Proposes to ban the Koran, the building of Mosques, and head coverings -Is against Asylum from Eastern Countries (that of Islamic countries) -Very against the European Union, and wishes to have a more ‘sovereign’ Netherlands -Claims that because of the Netherlands “best water engineers” handling the rising sea level won’t be an issue Sources 43627.html