Podemos (We can) Mahammad Suleymanov 29.04.2024 Introduction Good day, everyone. Today's presentation focuses on Podemos, a notable political party in Spain. We'll discuss its key ideas and impact. Let's get started. Origins of Podemos Since 2014, Podemos reshaped Spanish politics, advocating for fairness, sustainability, and feminism. Founded by intellectuals like Pablo Iglesias, Íñigo Errejón, and Juan Carlos Monedero, Podemos aimed for grassroots engagement and social justice. Prioritizing the reduction of inequality and promoting social justice through policies aimed at improving the well-being of all citizens. Core beliefs Advocating for a more direct and participatory form of democracy, empowering citizens to have a greater say in decision-making processes. Commitment to combating corruption in politics and promoting transparency and accountability in government institutions. Social Justice Participatory Democracy Anti-Corruption Inspired by global movements, Podemos swiftly entered politics through social media and public discontent. In 2014, Podemos won 8% of the vote in Spain's European Parliament election, securing five seats and surprising the media. Achievements Impact of Podemos Podemos shook up Spain's two-party system, offering voters more choices. Podemos pushes for progressive policies on welfare, labor rights, and the environment to tackle inequality. Podemos mobilizes grassroots activists, amplifying marginalized voices in politics. Podemos nowadays and future plans Podemos stays active, promoting social justice and democracy through parliament, communities, and coalitions. Additionally, Podermos’s future plans could be Enhancing grassroots engagement.1. Advocating for progressive policies.2. Expanding coalition partnerships.3. In conclusion, Podemos represents a significant force in Spanish politics, advocating for social justice, grassroots democracy, and progressive change. Despite facing challenges, it continues to shape the political landscape and champion the voices of ordinary citizens. Conclusion Thanks for the attention ! Left EU The Guardian Scientific research Sources