Jewish-Christian Roots of European Civilization

2. Gilles Kepel's lecture at CEVRO Institute 11.10. 2021

So You have expereienced Gilles Kepel live, renown for his book The Revenge of God: The Resurgence of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism in the Modern World, Paris 1991 (in French), UP 1994 (in English). Read about him more at

A chapter from Kepel's 2020 book Away from Chaos

Homework for October 18, 2021
Having read the Wikipedia entry on Gilles Kepel, characterize his position towards Islam and its political ambitions. For those who are especially interrested in the theme: Read the enclosed text from his book "Away from Chaos" (pp. 11--29). What is the thesis of the chapter. Summarize Your answer in a maximum of 50 words.