CIVIL WARS IN THE MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA S Y R I A L Y B I A Y E M E N I R A K SANDRA MARCOS GARCÍA DEVELOPING COUNTRIES OF THE GLOBAL SOUTH IN INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 1 . T H E B O R D E R S O F T H E M I D D L E E A S T 2 . T H E A R A B S P R I N G A S A P R E C E D E N T 3 . C I V I L W A R S 4 . C O N C L U S I O N S 5 . R E F E R E N C E S CONTENTS S Y R I A L Y B I A Y E M E N I R A K BORDERS OF THE MIDDLE EAST SYKES-PICOT AGREEMENT 1916 ARTIFICIAL BORDERS DESCOLONIZATION PROCESS FAILED STATES ARAB SPRING AS A PRECEDENT ARAB SPRING ARAB WINTER DEVELOPING OF CIVIL WARS PROXY WARS CIVIL WARS SYRIA LYBIA YEMEN IRAQ One of the most ruthless conflicts lately. Context of the Arab Spring. Protest the repression. Syrian National Coalition began to fight against Assad. In 2016 the Assad government was forced to formally ask Russia for help. Attempts to cease hostilities, such as the Astana peace conferences. SYRIA Libyan citizens begin to protest against the corruption and centralisation of power in the person of Gaddafi. No-fly zone over Libya (Chapter VII) and use of any measures necessary. The international intervention forces leaves a convulsed country. A provisional government is set up. LYBIA Arab Spring protests lead to Saleh's resignation and the rule of al-Hadi. Never a real transition process between governments. 2014 the Houthis and Saleh staged a coup d'état Al-Hadi government. Houthis. Hirak al-Yanubi. Jihadist groups 1. 2. 3. 4. YEMEN Federal government (replaced CPA) Former military of Baathist Islamic State Establishment of the Islamic State in Iraq in 2013. Hawija conflict. Presence of Kurdish people. Context of Iraq's invaion in 2003 by EEUU 1. 2. 3. IRAQ CONCLUSIONS INTERNATIONAL DESINTEREST IMPERIALISM SUSPICION OF THE WEST SAKE OF POWER REFERENCES BBC News Mundo. (2016, 17 mayo). Un siglo del Sykes-Picot, el acuerdo que creó a Siria e Irak y desencadenó cien años de resentimientos. Castellanos, R. (2022, 1 julio). ¿Qué es un Estado fallido? El Orden Mundial –EOM. Delgado, Gloria M. (1999). El mundo moderno y contemporáneo. El siglo XX. Pearson Education, México 1999. Hanelt, Christian-Peter (2015) Syria in its fifth year of civil war: Overview, analysis and thoughts on resolving the conflict. Bertelsmann Studies. Unspecified. Igualada Tolosa, C. (2017). Guerra civil en Yemen: actores y crisis humanitaria. Boletín IEEE, ISSN-e 2530-125X, Nº5, págs. 823-841 Jephat Musarurwa, H. Blanche Kaye, S. (2016). Unpacking the Syrian Crisis: a literature review. Information Management and Business Review (ISSN 2220-3796) Vol. 8, Nº 6, pp-32-38. J. Ruiz González, F (2012). El Irak que quedó atrás. Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos (IEEE), Pre-bie3, Nº2. REFERENCES OHCHR. (2022). Don’t look away: Syrian civilians face the prospect of a new escalation. Syria. (2022). Human Rights Watch. Peregil, F. (2022). Libia agrava su crisis con una bicefalia en el poder. El País. Schmitt, O. (2015) A war worth fighting? The Libyan intervention in restrospect. Int Polit Rev 3, 10–18. Terry, P. C. (2015). The Libya intervention (2011): neither lawful, nor successful. The Comparative and International Law Journal of Southern Africa, 48(2), 162–182. Villaverde, N. J. A. (2022). Idlib (Siria) como ejemplo de lo peor. Real Instituto Elcano.