Religion at the age of globalization A paradox : the role of religion at the age of globalization 1- Globalization 2- Deterritorialization of religions 3- Resistance to this globalization 1- Globalization • Acceleration of movements and exchanges • 20th century that world trade has accelerated • Several aspects : > Economic > Financial > Cultural > Political > Sociological > Geographical 3 main effects : • Environmental • Social • Cultural 2- A deterritorialization of religions Disconnection of a confession from a territory Cross-influences communication and technologies Market for religion To be accessible, a product must be standardized Lack of territory à the notion of community of faith increase Rupture of values 3- A resistance to globalization. • Reaction to globalization à Fundamentalisms = process of returning to the foundations of a religion • The refusal of a profane culture • Secular society à produce values perceived as contrary to religions • Pure religion = the religious norm is separated from social morality • Western secular culture no longer has religious knowledge To conclude • paradoxical position • Following of globalization à detaching themselves from the culture, market of the religious • Rejection of the values of globalization Therefore, religion uses the means that allow globalization in order to restrain globalization itself.