THE ADVANCE OF EXTREME RIGHTWING PARTIES IN POLAND, AUSTRIAAND HUNGARY Andrea Hidalgo Camargo Radan Šibl What is an extreme right-wing party? • European far-right parties share an antiimmigration political program reflecting their ultra-nationalist ideology; they consider that only natives should be inhabitants of the state and that non-native elements threaten the homogeneity of the nation-state (Mudde, 2007) Actual Government • Poland Mateusz Morawiecki - Prime Minister (Law and Justice Party) • Austria Karl Nehammer - Chancellor of Austria (OVP, Austrian People's Party) • Hungary Viktor Orban - Prime Minister (Fidesz Hungarian Civic Alliance) Post-Communist In the lata 20t h century I r3n^lW^Jo)tcal landscape - Challenges of transitioning: o Market economy, o Stability and national identity, o Traditional values o Rise of populist movements Religious Cowsei^atJstn0 ^ • Social Conservatism. • Cultural preservation. National Identity and Historical • Strugglefagainst communism. • Historical grievances, Treaty of Trianon. • The framing of national pride. Post-Imperial Legacies • Austria-Hungarian Empire • World War I: territorial loses and border changes Historical Right-Wing Movements Austria -After World War II: conservative Austrian People's Party (ÓVP) played a crucial role in rebuilding the country. -Freedom Party of Austria was founded in 1945 but became popular with leader Jórg Haider in 1990s who combined liberal economics with nationalism, euroscepticism and antisemitism. It is unofficial successor of Christian Social Party that focused on keeping catholic Austria out of protestant state of Germany - NEOS - liberal right-wing Hungary - Fidesz: Right-wing to far right Viktor Orban continuously winning from 2010 with 40% or more. - Jobbik: Before extreme right now more center, nationalism, agrarism, antiglobalization. - Our homeland movement: Hungarian nationalism, euroscepticism, antisionism, antiglobalization. Poland - PiS: Jarostaw Kaczyhski. - Civic Platform: Donald Tusk, liberal conservatism, christian democracy, pro european - Sovereign Poland: Zbigniew Ziobro, national conservatism, social conservatism. Economic Disparities • Economic uncertainty (Covid, Inflation, War) • Globalization - concerns about the job loss • Regional differences - some regions are left behind economically compared to others • Isolated elites from ordinary citizen Immigration and Nationalism • Strict border control and limitation on immigration • Border fences - Fidesz • Opposition to EU policis on migration • Protection of cultural and religious identity • Against any external interference